Ecocoat Kenzo is our flagship REACH compliant ceramic coating which pioneered the 100% active material formulation for ceramic coatings. Synthesised using the latest nanotechnology and graphene nano-platelets, the new and improved Graphene Reinforced Ecocoat Kenzo has an increased durability of up to 5 years and a higher resistance to water-spots. Ecocoat Kenzo’s unmatched clarity and gloss radiates a rich and natural glow reminiscence of bespoke wax and its thick 10H hardness layer protects 12 times longer than waxes.
- New Graphene Technology
- 5-Year Protection
- Paint Correction Required
- 2-Layers IGL Kenzo Base & Top Coat
- Slickness & Shine
- Sacrificial Layer
- UV Protectant
- Self-Cleaning Properties
- Eco Friendly
- Gloss +++
“Prices are all based on estimate and subject to change depending on location, size, and work level.”